Prepare for takeoff
A personal growth app that provides 3 minute prep talks to help you perform at your best. 
Logo Development
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When getting ready for my first business pitch competition at the Syracuse University Blackstone Launchpad, I was frantically reading over my notes and cramming in some last minute run throughs. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for those crucial five minutes that I had to pitch my idea. This moment was a springboard for the idea of short prep talks to watch, or listen to, right before a big moment. 
Prep talks are proven to enhance performance when given right before those big moments. As stated on Ohio State Insights, “Pep talks — and their big brother, the motivational speech — can drive people to do the seemingly impossible: win brutal battles, love old enemies, and rethink deeply held beliefs. [People] just want that little added sense of urgency or that added sense of motivation to really go out and not just do a good job but a great job.”
An app that provides everyday prep talks in both video and audio format to boost performance. The videos are curated from many topics ranging from business to accomplishing goals and personal life. With carefully crafted copy and language, this app isn’t an ordinary personal growth app; it’s an energizing, motivating, and comforting tool to help you succeed.