Grow. Share. Trade.
An app that allows neighbors to trade their excess harvest and share tips and tricks about growing vegetables in their neighborhood.
Logo Development
Brand Identity
Art Direction
App Design
Neighbors with homegrown gardens or even people who are new to gardening often end up with extra vegetables that they don’t want or can’t consume fast enough. It is also hard to get to know the soil and growing conditions in your area when first starting out or attempting to plant something new as the seasons change.
Per the Garden Research’s 2018 National Gardening Survey in the US, 30-65 year-olds make up the majority of the home gardening demographic. There’s the neighbor who is new to home gardening, doesn't know the area’s climate, and doesn't know what to do with all of their vegetables. There is also the neighbor who has been gardening for a while,  and has tips about growing in their area, but may not have people to share their harvest with.
A service for neighborhood gardeners to share knowledge about what they have been growing in their garden and trade excess veggies with other neighborhood gardeners. They can share tips and tricks about growing conditions and what grows best. If there is a surplus, they can connect with people in their neighborhood to give vegetables to or find other home gardeners to barter with.